Amusing Dieting Hacks Old Hollywood Stars Loved To Follow

By Kanyi M

In those days, Hollywood stars dieted just as much as they were expected to work. Some of the most prominent actors and actresses in Hollywood, such as Katherine Hepburn, Barbara Streisand, and Humphrey Bogart have shared their hilarious weight loss secrets with the public.

Clara Bow’s hack

She had an interesting method of weight loss, which she called ‘hardening’. Basically, she allowed herself one drink a day of either beer or wine depending on what she could afford at that time. This type of dieting was very popular at that time. She followed the good old ‘roll on the floor with tight clothes’ hack to lose weight too

Marilyn Monroe’s secret

After she had gained weight on the ‘diet pills’ she’d taken, Marilyn Monroe decided to work on her figure by exercising more. She ran the stairs at all hours of the day and night, even doing sprints on some occasions. She was obsessed with slimming down, even though she was already considered to be a bombshell.

Ginger Rogers would dance weight away

Image courtesy of Vogue

Ginger Rogers was a movie star who was often described as a ‘thinnish’ actress. The truth is that she was never overweight, but her friends and colleagues believed that she could shed a few pounds. She did it by incorporating dancing into her daily workout routine.

Katherine Hepburn’s secret

Many people were eager to get tips about how Katherine Hepburn slimmed down. In reality, she had always been slim and stayed in shape by doing about an hour of physical exercise every day. She also admitted to eating large salads for breakfast and admitted taking long walks on the beach when it came to weight loss tips.

Elizabeth Taylor’s weight loss was achieved by keeping it spicy

Liz Taylor would dip apples into Tabasco sauce to slim down. She did this in order to lose weight after she gained some pounds while filming ‘Cleopatra’.

Audrey Hepburn

Image courtesy of Vanity Fair

She worked out at least four times a week. She did ballet and yoga to maintain her slim figure. Her favorite foods were pasta, salad, and chicken breast, which she ate in combination with chocolate for snacks. She was famous for having a small appetite, which was one of her main secrets when it came to weight loss.